Knowledge Hub

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Our Knowledge Hub is your ultimate resource center for employee development best practices,
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How Cartesian method helps improve productivity problem
Growth Strategy

How Cartesian method helps improve productivity problem

Cartesian method is one of the 3 approaches that Ford - the second-largest U.S.-based automaker applied to improve their productivity. Learn how the method works in this collection

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The art of Employee Performance Reviews
Feedback Culture

The art of Employee Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are a critical part of employee development and continuous feedback process. Use these tips to assess upcoming employee performance.

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1:1s - Why and how often?
Growth Strategy

1:1s - Why and how often?

1:1s are an important part of growth and development of employees. But how to run effective 1:1s as a manager or team leader? Download this eBook to find out more.

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How To Write Great OKRs

How To Write Great OKRs

This eBook is meant to be a simple but thorough guide to help you, and everyone else in your organization, become great at setting OKRs.

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A Newbie HR's Guide To Great Performance Review
Feedback Culture

A Newbie HR's Guide To Great Performance Review

A well-conducted performance review can help motivate employees to thrive in their careers and help employers get better quality work from their team

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Pulse Survey Templates
Feedback Culture

Pulse Survey Templates

These pulse survey templates will help you save time by asking the right questions to capture real-time feedback and inform your engagement initiatives.

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1-on-1 Meeting Template
Agile Development Sprint

1-on-1 Meeting Template

1-on-1 meetings help keep employees engaged, motivated and productive. Get our free 1:1 meeting template and questions in a handy Word doc.

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The OKR Beginner Handbook

The OKR Beginner Handbook

Many of us have read stories on how Google has used OKRs to set ambitious goals and track progress. But what exactly are OKRs?

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Recording "Equity & Inclusion In The Workplace"
Growth Strategy

Recording "Equity & Inclusion In The Workplace"

Understand Equity & Inclusion, know their emerging issues in the talent development process, and learn how to benefit from Equity & Inclusion in the workplace

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